World Games Stadium Of Taiwan - 100% Solar Powered

The dragon like structure you see under construction in these photos is the World Games Stadium in Taiwan, which is being built for the upcoming World Games. And what looks like dragon’s scales from afar are actually 8.844 solar panels which is enough to satisfy all of the stadium’s energy needs.

The 14.155 m2 roof has the potential to generate 1,14 gigawatt hours of electricity every year, which is actually enough to power 80% of the stadium’s surrounding neighborhood when it’s not in use. It was designed by Japanese architect , Toyo Ito, cost around $150 million to build and can hold 55.000 spectators.

World Games itself is kind of like the Olympics, except that the 30 different competitions include diverse sports like sky diving, billiards, frisbee, sumo and tug of war. In other words, events I’d actually like to see.


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